Who is the Pieland world for?
Pieland is for Pieple of all ages! We aim to be inclusive and family-friendly.
When was Pieland established?
Pieland was founded in 2021, with our first digital collectible collection (Octopies) releasing in February 2022.
What merchandise will Pieland make?
For 2024, we anticipate having t-shirts, Octopie plushies, mugs, stickers, and more.
What’s the status of your board game, Attack of the SNACs?
Our first board game launched via crowdfunding in April 2024, with production and delivery slated for December 2024.
Is Pieland open to collaborations? What are you looking for?
We would love to collaborate and see what we can bake up! While our primary markets involve gaming, art, toys, and media, we are open to exploring all mediums. Please reach out at team@pielandworld.com with your idea and we will get in touch.
Is Pieland open to licensing?
We are open to licensing! Please contact us at team@pielandworld.com with your requests.
Where can we contact Pieland?
Feel free to contact us using the form on our website’s Contact Us page, or you can contact us directly at team@pielandworld.com.